Congratulations to our
Transportation Group 2023 Award Winners

Highly Commended
Think Piece Paper

Best Abstract

sponsored by Tonkin + Taylor

Jae Morse
The human story: refocusing fatal crash reporting

Best think piece paper

sponsored by Tonkin + Taylor

Clare Cassidy, Bridget Carden & Tracey Fleming
Setting up for success: designing for people

Best conference paper

sponsored by AA

Clare Cassidy, Bridget Carden & Tracy Fleming
Setting up for success: designing for people

peoples choice award - poster presentation

sponsored by sidra solutions

Justine Wilson
Water activated slippery surface sign trial

Gemma Dioni & Paula Bradbury
Shaping places for children with autism spectrum disorder

Glen Koorey, Ping Sim & Gemma Dioni
How do we measure harm in transport?

Best practice paper

sponsored by sidra solutions

Drew Bryant
Living corridors in Richmond

peoples choice award - oral presentation

sponsored by sidra solutions

Dave Hilson & Helen Griffin
A genuine consultation, not just a vote

peoples choice award - rapid fire

& Exhibitor quiz winner

Emily Cambridge
The secret life of trees

Peoples Choice Award -

Peoples Choice Award -
Learning Cafe

Richard Hart
Desiging for inclusive cycing access for everyone

Gemma Dioni
Shaping places for children with autism spectrum disorder

The below winners were absent from the award ceremony:

Best Young Author
sponsored by Sidra Solutions

Varshen Pillay
A story of place and movement

Highly Commended Practice Paper

Varshen Pillay
A story of place and movement

Best contributor to Roundabout

Alice Davies
Serving the transport needs of disabled people