Kia Ora. Thanks for joining us at Transportation 2021 #TGNZ21

Thanks for joining us at 2021 Transportation Group conference in Tāmaki Makaurau.

All presentations are in PDF format and can be viewed by following the links below. NB if a presentation is missing from a speaker’s profile, it is because the presenter hasn’t given permission for publication.

Congratulations to our 3M Safety Innovation and Transporation Group 2021 Award Winners!

“great engagement with delegates. great venue. great range of speakers. can’t wait for next year’s conference!”

— TG 2020 Delegate

Theme: Decarbonising Transport

The topic for this year’s conference is ‘Decarbonising Transport’, and we will be unpacking what that really means for our transportation system and the profession as a whole.

Scientific consensus tells us that the world is facing a significant environmental and climate challenge. In New Zealand, several local authorities declared a ‘climate emergency’ and have called for ambitious climate change mitigation measures. The transport sector is a large contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, and it will have to make changes to significantly reduce emissions to align with New Zealand’s goal of being carbon-neutral by 2050. Increasingly we recognise that we cannot achieve this working with old policies and practices that do not encourage change. To be effective, we need to act fast and adapt quickly to ensure targets are being met, have the difficult conversations, hold sectors accountable and see carbon emissions as an integrated system. One of the first steps on reducing carbon emissions in any sector is to understand how much we are emitting. Measurements and information are key to understanding any problem and assess performance. What we measure, how we measure it and who undertakes the measurement for how long, are just as important as how we reduce emissions. Information is key, not only to determine how we are tracking but can be used for public corporation of this global issue. How can we distribute this information in a constructive manner?

Abstracts have been welcomed that align with the main theme of ‘Decarbonising Transport’ and the three sub-themes:

  1. Shaping choices

  2. Leading change

  3. Providing solutions

‘Shaping choices’ looks at what can be done to change demand, ‘Leading change’ focusses on the resources that are needed, ‘Providing solutions’ discusses how change can be catered for. The overlap between the sub-themes signifies the need for a system-wide and integrated approach.

Shendi Mani 2021 Conference Convenor

Shendi Mani
2021 Conference Convenor
