“This is the premier transport focussed event in NZ ”
preliminary Programme outline - this is subject to change
suNDAY 3 mARCH 2019
5:00pm Registration desk opens at Shed 6. This closes at 6:30pm.
6:30pm Informal networking option.
Monday 4 march
7:00am Registration opens
9:00am Welcome address
with Convenor
9:30am Keynotes
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm Concurrent sessions
3:00pm Afternoon tea
3:30pm Plenary
4:15pm Concurrent sessions
5:30pm End of day
6:30pm Networking event
with other delegates
Tuesday 5 march
8:00am Registration opens
8:30am Keynote
10:30am Morning tea
11:00am Keynote
11:30am Poster rapid fire
followed by poster viewings
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm Concurrent sessions
3:00pm Afternoon tea
3:30pm Concurrent sessions
5:00pm End of day
6:30pm Conference dinner
wednesday 6 march
8:00am Registration opens
8:30am Keynote
9:30am Plenary
10:10am Plenary
10:30am Morning tea
11:00am Concurrent sessions
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm Plenary
3:00pm Awards
3:30pm End of conference
“Great experiences and also a good way to create network”