Conference presentations
Conference programme viewing options
Programme outline
wednesday 11 march
8:00am Registration opens
9:00am Conference opening
9:00am Keynotes
10:30am Morning break
11:00am Keynotes
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm Concurrent sessions
3:00pm Afternoon break
3:30pm Concurrent sessions
5:30pm End of day
6:00pm Jacobs Welcome networking
thursday 12 march
8:00am Registration opens
8:30am Plenary
9:30am 3M Finalists
10:00am Morning break
10:30am Plenary
11:25am Poster rapid fire
followed by poster viewings
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm Concurrent sessions; or
1:30pm Field trips (walking)
3:00pm Afternoon break
3:30pm Concurrent sessions
5:00pm End of day
7:00pm 3M Conference dinner: including 3M Awards
friday 13 march
8:00am Registration opens
8:30am Plenary
10:30am Morning break
11:00am Concurrent sessions
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm Keynotes/Plenary
3:00pm Awards/Conference closing
3:30pm End of conference
“Great experiences and also a good way to create network”