Programme overview
The overview below is indicative only. Watch this space for upcoming details.
MOnday 10 May
8:00am Coffee and networking
8:30am Welcome from MC, Pōwhiri
9:25am Keynote session
10:30am Morning break
11:00am Keynote session
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm Concurrent sessions
3:00pm Afternoon break
3:30pm AGM - Message from the chair
4:00pm Concurrent session
5:15pm Close of day
5:30pm Jacobs welcome function
TUEsday 11 May
8:00am Coffee and networking
8:30am Keynote session
10:00am Morning break
10:30am Concurrent session
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm Keynote session
2:00pm Poster rapid fire presentation
2:35pm Poster viewing
3:00pm Afternoon break
3:30pm Concurrent session with field
trip or movie
5:00pm Close of day
6:30pm 3M Conference dinner
WEDNESday 12 May
8:30am Coffee and networking
9:00am Keynote session
10:30am Morning break
11:00am Concurrent session
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm Keynote session
3:10pm Awards
3:30pm Conference close