3m yp award winner
Anika Bushra & Nilu Seneviratne, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at The University of Auckland
The effect of specimen preparation on the mechanical properties of open graded porous asphalt
highly commended
Glenn Bunting, Iain McAuley, Diane Gamble & Paul Durdin, NZ Transport Agency
Speed Management Guide and Mapping Tool
Steve James, Vanessa Rushton & David Keity, NZ Transport Agency
Motorcycle safety: Shiny Side Up Bike Fest
3m Award winner
Dean Parker, Peter Bathgate, Russell Pinchen, Joanne Chang, Laurence Butcher, Robert Shiret, Neil Fisher & Jean Paul Modderman, Auckland Motorway Alliance
Renewal and improvement of the SH1 Penrose Over Height Detection System (OHDS)
Andrew Stevens, Jerry Khoo, Sam Pasley & Ling Hong, Auckland Motorway Alliance
Tableau: A Cool Tool for Interrogation of Crash Data
Absent from award ceremony were the following winners:
highly commended
Bruno Royce, Traffic Engineering Solutions
Road safety study - Candia road crash evaluation ‘before’ and ‘after’
Jamie Povall, Graeme Corin, Keith Weale, Dhimantha Rangatunga & Lonnie Dalzell, Stantec
Delivering Safer Speeds on State Highway 1 in Rural Townships